

  • Nausea Causing Medications
    • Aspirin, NSAIDs, Opioids
    • Erythromycin, sulfonamides, Acyclovir
    • Antiarrhythmics, Antihypertensives, Digoxin, Diuretics
    • Contraception, Antidiabetic meds
    • Anticonvulsants, Parkinson’s Disease meds
    • W/U: Residuals
  • Selective 5-HT3 Antagonist
    • MOA: Block serotonin receptors in the CNS and GI
      • Works on GI tract primarily, but CNS/PNS also
      • Used in gastroenteritis
      • SE: Headache, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, fatigue, Serotonin Syndrome, QTc Prolongation
      • CI: PKU, Hepatic Impairment
    • Ondansetron (Zofran)
      • Dose: 4-8mg Oral, Sublingual, IV over 15 minutes
      • SE: QTc Prolongation, Activating
    • Palonosetron (Aloxi)
      • Dose: 0.25mg IV
      • No QT prolongation, 40 hour half life, better than 8mg zofran
      • SE: Activating
    • Dolasetron
    • Granisetron
      • Oral, IV, Subcutaneous, Transdermal
  • Histamine (H1) Receptor Antagonists
    • Notes:
      • Works on CNS (area postrema) and in the vestibular nucleus
      • SE: QTc Prolongation
    • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
      • 10-50mg per dose, up to 100mg per dose, 400mg per day
      • Oral, IV, IM
      • SE: QTc Prolongation
      • CI: Acute asthma, GI obstruction, Closed angle glaucoma
    • Meclizine
      • No QTc prolongation
    • Dimenhydrinate
      • No QTc prolongation
    • Cyclizine
    • Mirtazapine (Remeron)
    • Hydroxyzine (Vistaril)
      • Quick acting, short-term, anxiolytic, insomnia
      • SE: sedation, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurry vision
        • QTc Prolongation
  • Phenothiazine
    • Prochlorperazine (Compazine)
      • MOA: D2 antagonism ≥ H1 = M1
      • Dose: 10mg IV
      • Little to no QTc prolongation
      • SE: Extrapyramidal SE, M1 activity
    • Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
      • MOA: D2 = H1 ≥ M1 ≥ 5HT3
      • Dose: 25mg IV/IM
      • SE: Extrapyramidal SE, QTc Prolongation, M1 activity
    • Promethazine (Phenergan)
      • MOA: H1 ≥ M1 ≥ D2
      • Dose: 12.5-25mg PO/IM
      • SE: Extrapyramidal SE, QTc Prolongation, Most M1 activity
  • Butyrophenone
    • Droperidol
      • MOA: D2 Antagonism ≥≥≥ H1
      • Dose: 0.625-2.5 IV, IM
      • SE: QTc Prolongation
    • Haloperidol
      • MOA: D2 Antagonism ≥≥≥ H1
      • Dose: 2-5 mg IV, Oral, IM
      • SE: QTc Prolongation
  • Benzamide
    • Metoclopramide
      • MOA: D2 ≥ 5-H3T antagonism, Cholinergic Agonism
      • 10-20mg Oral, IV, IM
      • SE: QTc Prolongation
    • Domperidone
      • MOA: D2 antagonism
      • Oral
      • SE: QTc Prolongation, Headache, Xerostomia
  • Antimuscarinic
    • MOA: M1 antagonism
    • Scopolamine
      • Transdermal
      • No QTc Prolongation
      • SE: Xerostomia, Blurry Vision, Fatigue
  • Benzodiazepines
    • GABA-A Agonism
    • SE: Anterograde amnesia
    • No QTc Prolongation
    • Lorazepam
      • Oral, Sublingual, IV, IM
    • Alprazolam
      • Oral
  • Glucocorticoid
    • Dexamethasone (Decadron)
    • No QTc prolongation
  • Neurokinin Receptor Antagonists
    • MOA: NK1 Antagonism
    • No QTc Prolongation
    • Aprepitant
      • Oral
      • SE: CYP3A4 Inhibitor, fatigue, Neutropenia (≥ in children)
    • Fosaprepitant
      • IV
      • SE: CYP3A4 Inhibitor, fatigue, Neutropenia (≥ in children)
    • Netupitant
      • SE: CYP3A4 Inhibitor, fatigue, Neutropenia (≥ in children)
    • Rolapitant
      • SE: CYP2D5 inhibitor, Dizziness
  • Dopamine Antagonists
    • SE: muscle spasms, restlessness
    • Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
  • Appetite Stimulants (Orexigenic)
    • Dronabinol
    • Mirtazapine (Remeron)
    • Prednisone
    • Megestrol
    • Lithium
    • Insulin

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