

  • Bisphosphonates
    • Oral: Must be taken first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach with ≥ 8oz of plain water. Must remain upright for 30mins (alendronate, risedronate) or 60mins (ibandronate)
      • 5 year therapy, may extend to 10 if T <-2.5 on next DEXA
    • CI: GFR <30-35%, achalasia, Schatzki ring
    • SE: GI, hypocalcemia, osteonecrosis of the jaw
    • Alendronate (Fosamax)
      • 5mg daily or 35mg weekly PO (prevention)
      • 10mg daily or 70mg weekly PO (treatment)
      • Efficacious in preventing vertebral and non-vertebral fractures as well as hip fractures
      • Approved for treatment of osteoporosis in men, glucocorticoid-induced
    • Risedronate (Atelvia, Actonel)
      • 35mg weekly or 150mg monthly
      • Efficacious in preventing vertebral and non-vertebral fractures as well as hip fractures
      • Approved for treatment of osteoporosis in men, glucocorticoid-induced
    • Zoledronic Acid (Reclast, Zometa)
      • 5mg yearly, IV only for treatment, 5mg IV every other year for prevention
      • Approved for treatment of osteoporosis in men, glucocorticoid-induced
      • Once a year, improved survival if given within 90 days of hip fracture
      • May extend to 6 years if very high risk
      • Efficacious in preventing vertebral and non-vertebral fractures as well as hip fractures
      • SE: 30% have low-grade fever, myalgia, and arthralgia occurring 1-3 days after 1st administration, usually absent with subsequent infusions.
    • Ibandronate (Boniva)
      • 150mg once a month
      • Only efficacious in preventing vertebral fracture
      • Approved only for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
  • PTH Analogs
    • Anabolic: stimulates osteoblasts, only ones available
      • Reserved for T <-2.5 and a fracture (severe disease)
        • Efficacious in preventing vertebral and non-vertebral fractures
      • Can only be used for 2 years due to cumulative risk of osteosarcoma, use 1 on one off
        • Must transition to either bisphosphonate or denosumab when discontinued (antiresorptive) within 1 month
        • No holiday
      • CI: CDK
      • SE: Theoretical Increased risk of bone osteosarcoma
    • Teriparatide (Forteo)
      • MOA: Recombinant human PTH
      • 210mg subq monthly
    • Abaloparatide (Tymlos)
      • MOA: Human PTH Analog
      • 80mcg subcutaneous daily
  • Monoclonal Antibodies
    • Denosumab (Prolia, Xgeva)
      • MOA: Osteoclast Inhibitor
        • Monoclonal antibody inhibits RANK ligand receptors
        • Antiresorptives, No need for holiday
      • 60mg SQ Q6 months
      • Efficacious in preventing vertebral and non-vertebral fractures as well as hip fractures
      • Used if unable to take bisphosphonates
      • No defined treatment length
    • Romosozumab (Evenity)
      • Osteoblast activator
      • 20mcg subcutaneous daily
      • Anabolic
        • Associated with transient increased bone resorption (rebound) that teriparatide exacerbates (don’t use)
      • Efficacious in preventing vertebral and non-vertebral fractures as well as hip fractures
      • 1 year duration of therapy only
        • Must transitioned to either bisphosphonate or denosumab when discontinued (antiresorptive) within 1 month
        • No holiday
  • Calcium Regulator
    • Calcitonin (Miacalcin)
      • 200IU intranasal daily for treatment
      • Calcitonin Salmon
        • 200-unit nasal spray
        • To prevent compression fractures
        • Antiresorptive, only efficacious in preventing vertebral fracture
  • Other
    • Raloxifene (Evista)
      • CI: DVT/PE, pregnant, lactating
      • Antiresorptive
      • Increased risk of VTE, decreased risk of uterine/breast cancer
      • Only efficacious in preventing vertebral fracture

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