Thyroid Medications


  • Levothyroxine
    • 6 mcg/kg per day starting in you adults
      • Retest in 6 weeks
    • Decreased levothyroxine absorption
      • Bile acid binding agents
      • Iron, calcium, aluminum hydroxide
      • PPIs, sucralfate
    • Increased TBG concentration
      • Oral estrogen, tamoxifen, raloxifene
      • Heroin, methadone
    • Decreased TBG concentration (increases free thyroxine)
      • Androgens, glucocorticoids, Anabolic steroids
      • Slow-release nicotinic acid (niacin)
    • Increased Thyroid hormone Metabolism
      • Rifampin, Phenytoin, Carbamazepine
    • Effects
      • Subclinical: No effects with tx
      • Clinical hypothyroid: Weight loss, decrease lipids and bp
  • Antithyroid Drugs
    • Methimazole
      • Teratogenic in first trimmest of pregnancy
      • Reassess with labs at 4-6 weeks after initiation, then every 2-3 months
        • Use total T3 and free T4 early on due to TSH possibly being suppressed for several months after initiation
      • SE: Agranulocytosis, rarely hepatotoxicity
        • Presents with fever, chills, sore throat within 90 days of starting
          • Get wBC w/differential
    • Propylthiouracil (PTU)
      • Reassess with labs at 4-6 weeks after initiation, then every 2-3 months
        • Use total T3 and free T4 early on due to TSH possibly being suppressed for several months after initiation
      • SE: Agranulocytosis, hepatotoxicity more common
        • Presents with fever, chills, sore throat within 90 days of starting
          • Get wBC w/differential
    • Radioactive Iodine (RAI)
      • When the above cannot be tolerated, want to avoid surgery, and those unlikely to achieve remission ono the above alone
      • Residual hypothyroidism possible in Graves’ disease
        • May exacerbate ophthalmopathy (exophthalmos, periorbital edema, vision changes)
        • Prednisone given when moderate to severe prior to surgery
        • Mild lid lag does not need prednisone

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