

  • AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein)
    • <20?
    • Produced by yolk sac and fetal liver
    • Elevated in HCC, Metastatic liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, germ cell tumors, yolk sac tumors, ataxia telangiectasia, spherocytosis, pancreatic cancer,
    • False-Positive: gestational diabetes, cigarette smoking, race (higher in black women), viral hepatitis, pregnancy
    • ≥200 is 100% specific for HCC in Cirrhosis
  • Albumin
    • Microalbumin: Creatine ratio in the urine
      • Best test to screen for initial stages of diabetic nephropathy
      • Dipstick on detects when protein ≥300mg/24h (microalbumin)
    • Hyperalbuminemia
      • 40% of calcium is bound to proteins (mainly albumin)
      • Associated with an increase in total calcium
      • Measure Ionized fraction of Calcium for accurate count
      • No symptoms usually
    • Hypoalbuminemia
      • Decreased in malnutrition, nephrotic syndrome, acute inflammation, protein-losing enteropathies
      • 1) Decreased Hepatic Synthesis
        • Cirrhosis
      • 2) Increased Urinary or GI loss
        • Nephrotic Syndrome:
          • Periorbital and pedal edema that may progress to generalized edema (anasarca), ascites, and pleural effusions
        • Protein Losing Enteropathy
          • Diarrhea
      • May develop severe intravascular hypovolemia due to over-diuresis and fluid movement into the interstitial spaces
  • Bilirubin
    • Function clearance of liver
    • Increased Bilirubin (Jaundice) – Fractionate Bilirubin
      • Increased Direct Bilirubin
        • Obstructive (stone, cancer) or Dubin Johnson’s, Rotor
      • Increased Indirect Bilirubin
        • Hemolysis (bilirubin overproduction)
        • Gilbert Syndrome (defective uptake)
        • Crigler-Najjar or newborn (Glucuronyl transferase defect)
      • Obtain Liver Enzymes: Alkaline Phosphatase
        • Increased ALP (Biliary Pathology)
          • Increased GGT/ Increased AST/ALT (Ultrasound/CT)
            • Bile duct obstruction, IBD w/PSC
            • Metabolic Alkalosis in BDO
        • Mildly increased ALP
          • Increased GGT
            • Increased AST/ALT: Hepatocellular Disease
          • Normal GGT
            • Normal Calcium: Paget’s disease
    • Increased Conjugated Bilirubin
      • Can’t get rid of Bilirubin (extrahepatic dysfunction)
    • Increased Unconjugated Bilirubin
      • Body can’t conjugate bilirubin (hepatic dysfunction or RBC breakdown)
      • Hyperbilirubinemia and High LDH
        • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
        • G6PD deficiency
        • Mechanical RBC destruction
        • Hereditary spherocytosis
        • B12/Folate Deficiency
    • Increased Direct/Conjugated Bilirubin + Cholesterol + alkaline phosphatase
      • Cholestatic pattern
        • Ultrasound (CT)
  • BNP
    • Elevated in patients with kidney failure, old age, female
    • Reduced in patients with an elevated BMI
  • CA 19-9
    • <40
    • Associated with Pancreatic cancer, biliary tract cancer
    • Colon, esophageal, hepatic cancers, Pancreatitis, cirrhosis
  • CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen)
    • <2.5 in non-smokers, <5 in smokers, ≥10 is concerning for cancer
    • Associated with tumor burden in colorectal cancer
    • Primary ovarian cancer, Breast cancer, NSCLC, Thyroid cancer, cigarette smoking, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, IBD, orlistat, lymphoma, melanoma, PUD, hypothyroidism, biliary obstruction
  • Complement
    • Hypocomplementemia
      • Genetic
      • Consumption
      • Underproduction
        • Eclampsia, HELLP syndrome
      • SLE, Vasculitis, RA, infective endocarditis
    • Low C2 or C4: Genetic allele deficiency
    • C3: classical or alternative
    • C4: SLE (classical)
    • CH50: all components of classical
      • Screening for diseases states resulting in hypocomplementemia
  • Creatine Kinase (CK)
  • Creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
    • Released from muscle tissue as it is damaged
    • Polymyositis, dermatomyositis, inclusion body myositis, Duchenne and Becker Muscular dystrophy
  • Ceruloplasmin
    • Low
      • High Urinary ceruloplasmin
        • Wilsons
    • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and C-reactive protein
    • MC APRs used
      • Helpful in determining disease activity and response to therapy
    • Not specific, sensitive with low to moderate pretest probability
      • ESR ≥ 100mm/hr: severe disease (malignancy, infection, vasculitis)
  • Elevated Ammonia (Hyperammonemia)
    • MCC is hypovolemia
    • Medications
      • Valproic Acid, carbamazepine, salicylates, sulfadiazine
  • Elevated BUN
    • Tube feeds
    • High Protein
    • Chemotherapy
    • Upper GI bleed
  • Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT)
    • More specific than ALP because it is not present in bone
      • Not specific for alcohol
    • Increased GGT + Alkaline Phosphatase
      • Biliary Pathology
  • Iron
    • Ferritin = storage of iron
    • TIBC is always opposite of Ferritin
    • Transferrin = carrier
    • High Iron, Low Ferritin, Low Fe binding capacity
      • Hemochromatosis
  • Increased Amylase
    • Pancreatic
      • Pancreatitis, pseudocysts, trauma, ERCP, CF, Carcinoma
    • Salivary
      • Parotitis, radiation, obstruction
    • GI
      • PUD, perforated bowel, Mesenteric ischemia, appendicitis, cholecystitis, celiac’s
    • Gyne
      • Ectopic, ovarian cyst, PID
    • Neoplasm
      • Multiple myeloma, Pheo
    • Other
      • Alcohol abuse, RF (cleared renally)
  • Liver Damage
    • AST
    • ALT
    • Synthetic Liver Function (Severe)
      • PT – clotting factors by hepatocytes
        • Prolonged in vitamin K deficiency, warfarin, inherited or acquired factor deficiency, Antiphospholipid antibiody
      • Albumin – by hepatocytes
  • Liver and Biliary Tree Damage
    • ALP – made in liver, bile duct, kidney, placenta
    • GGT – bile duct, liver, alcohol abuse
  • Platelet Count
    • Normal (150k-400k)
    • <50K risk of surgical bleeding
    • <10k risk of spontaneous bleeding
  • Rheumatoid Factor (RF)
    • RA but also in 10% of normal population
    • RA will have evidence of inflammation in the hands in feet
  • Serum Chromogranin A
    • Well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors
    • Carcinoid tumors, hyperthyroidism, chronic atrophic gastritis, chronic PPIs, SCLC
    • Less sensitive and specific than Serum Gastrin

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