Mood Stabilizers


  • Lithium
    • Reduces suicide risk, takes 2-3 weeks to work
      • Spas have a high content of lithium
      • Works better in Euphoric Bipolar Disorder
      • 9x higher risk for suicide when coming off of
    • CI: CKD, HD, Hyponatremia, diuretics
    • Baseline: BUN, Cr, Calcium, Urinalysis, TSH, EKG if coronary risk
    • Therapeutic level: Lithium (0.6-1.2)
    • SE:
      • Hypothyroidism (add levothyroxine rather than stopping)
      • Benign Leukocytosis
      • Acute (GI)
        • Tremor, ataxia, weakness, polyuria, vomiting, diarrhea
        • AMS, Seizures, fasciculations, tremor
      • Chronic (Neuro)
        • Nephrogenic DI (MCC of), CKD, Thyroid dysfunction, Hyperparathyroidism: Polyuria in 50-70%
        • Hypercalcemia (QT shortening)
        • Treat with hemodialysis
    • Lithium Toxicity
      • ≥1.5 mEq/L: coarse tremor, tremulousness, confusion, arrhythmia, ataxia, nausea, diarrhea, nystagmus, hyperreflexia, dysarthria, dystonia
        • Fine Tremor – treat with propranolol
        • Hypothyroid – treat with levothyroxine
        • Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus (hypernatremia)
          • Amiloride < stopping
      • ≥2.5 mEq/L: Seizures, coma
        • With signs of toxicity
          • Direct nephrotoxicity – renal tubular acidosis
        • Treat with hemodialysis
      • ≥3 mEq/L: Death
      • ≥4 and creatinine ≥2: AMS, Life-threatening
        • Dialysis regardless
    • Overdose
      • Decreased renal perfusion with concurrent use of Thiazides, NSAIDS, ACEI, dehydration, tetracyclines, metronidazole
      • Volume depletion (renal failure)
  • Valproic Acid (VPA)
    • Dose:
      • Valproic Acid (Depakene): Tablet, liquid (TID/BID)
        • Trough after 3 days
        • Therapeutic level: Valproate (50-200 for seizures, ≥100 = SE)
      • Divalproex Sodium (Depakote): Tablet, sprinkle, ER, IV
        • = 2 VPA + Na+
    • MOA: increases sodium channel inactivation, increases GABA concentration by inhibiting GABA transaminase

      • Adding w/alcohol, antipsychotics increase sedation
      • Increases aspirin, carbamazepine, diazepam, amitriptyline, and phenobarbital
        • Increases lamotrigine by double and increases SJS risk
      • Decreases phenytoin and desipramine
      • May augment anticoagulants
      • Fluoxetine may increase VPA
      • 10–16-hour half life
    • Use: Acute mania, TBI, migraines, epilepsy
      • Worse than lithium at depression/SI
      • Better in bipolar symptoms from cognitive disorders and migraine prophylaxis
      • Better in substance abuse, rapid cycling
    • SE: GI distress and liver problems, alopecia, neural tube defects
      • Liver Dysfunction (monitor LFTs and platelets)
        • Elevated LFTs/Hepatic failure MC during 1st 6 months
      • Sedation, teratogenesis, weight gain, hair loss, PCOS
    • CI: Pregnancy
    • Valproic Acid Toxicity
      • Somnolence, hepatotoxicity, weight and appetite changes, alopecia, insomnia, thrombocytopenia, lethargy, comatose, hypotension, tremor
  • Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
    • Dose: 200mg BID to target of 1200mg total per day
    • Therapeutic level: Carbamazepine/CBZ (60-120)
    • MOA: voltage gated sodium channel blocker
      • Reduces antipsychotics, TCAs, benzos, seizure meds/mood stabilizers, warfarin, Tylenol, methadone, doxycycline, oral contraceptives
        • Reduces lamotrigine
      • Increased by fluoxetine, cimetidine, CCBs, gemfibrozil, grapefruit
      • Decreased by ETOH and phenytoin
      • Increased toxicity by VPA
    • Use: Bipolar disorder, Anticonvulsant, anticholinergic, antineuralgic, antidiuretic
      • Antiseizure, trigeminal neuralgia, bipolar
      • 2nd line mood stabilizer
        • Good for rapid cycling bipolar disorder (≥4 mood episodes/year)
    • SE: Risk of aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis, SJS, neural tube, hyponatremia, cytochrome P450 induction, diplopia, vertigo, hepatotoxic
      • Decreases T3/T4 (increased deiodination mainly), Decreases OCP efficacy, ataxia, blood dyscrasias
      • CMP and B-HCG required
      • 15% benign maculopapular rash within 3 weeks, may stop and retry
      • Neutropenia often caused by drug-induced agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia (2%)
      • CBCs monthly for 3-6m then at that interval
        • If ANC <2000, monitor with more frequent FBCs
        • If ANC <100, discontinue
    • Overdose: hepatotoxicity and sedation
      • 2-6 weeks after starting causative drug
        • Phenytoin or carbamazepine
      • SIADH (hyponatremia), cytochrome p450 induction
      • Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS)
      • Rash, facial edema, lymphadenopathy, and fever
  • Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal)
  • Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
  • Levetiracetam (Keppra)
  • Topiramate (Topamax)
  • Lacosamide (Vimpat)
  • Gabapentin (Neurontin)

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