

  • Treatment
    • Docusate ≥ Bisacodyl ≥ fleet enema?
    • Opioid-Induced
      • Methylnaltrexone
        • Mu opioid receptor (PAM-OR) antagonist
    • Post-op ileus
      • Alvimopan
        • Mu opioid receptor (PAM-OR) antagonist
        • Quaternary amine unlike methylnaltrexone, peripherally acting
    • Correct potassium
  • Bulk-forming Agents
    • MOA: add bulk and water to stools, better for long-term maintenance
    • Site: Small and Large intestines
    • Onset: 12-72 hours
    • Metamucil
    • Citrucel
    • Wheat Bran
    • Flaxseeds
    • Psyllium seed husk
      • Promotes peristalsis
  • Emollient Agents (Stool Softeners)
    • MOA: Anionic surfactants that incorporate water and fats into the stool
    • Notes: Prevent constipation rather than treating it
    • Site: Small and Large intestines
    • Onset: 12-72 hours
    • Docusate (Colace, Diocto)
  • Lubricant Agents
    • MOA: Decrease colonic absorption of water, increase weight
    • Site: Colon
    • Onset: 6-8 hours
    • Mineral Oil
  • Osmotic Agents
    • MOA: cause the intestines to hold more water, stimulates movement
    • Site: Colon
    • Onset: 12-72 hours oral, 25 mins – 1 hour rectal
    • Polyethylene Glycol (Miralax, Colyte, Golytely, Glycolax)
      • Used for bowel prep, whole bowel irrigation
      • Better than lactulose
    • Magnesium Salts (Milk of Magnesia)
    • Lactulose
      • Osmotic effect, lowers pH, decreases intestinal ammonia absorption
    • Sorbitol (Enema)
    • Mannitol (Enema)
  • Prokinetic Agents
    • Prucalopride
  • Saline Laxative Agents
    • Site: Small and large intesitnes
    • Onset: 30mins too 3 hours oral, 2-15 minutes rectal
    • Sodium Bisulfate
    • Sodium Phosphate
    • Magnesium Hydroxide
    • Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)
  • Stimulant Agents
    • Site: Colon
    • Onset: 6-10 hours
    • Senna
    • Sodium Pocosulfate
    • Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)
    • SE: Loss of haustral folds with chronic use (melanosis coli)
    • Add Osmotic laxative or docusate if not working
  • Other
    • Castor Oil
  • Secretagogues (Chloride Channel Activators)
    • Linaclotide
    • Plecanatide
    • Lubiprostone

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